A message from the team
As you are aware we have been on site carrying out works to the Zone 29 building since December 2023 and works are progressing nicely.
As a responsible contractor, we like to keep residents and the wider community aware of upcoming works.
This letter is to inform you that on Saturday 27th January 2024, a hoist will be delivered and placed on site. The reason why we are arranging for the hoist to be delivered on Saturday is due to the size of the lorry and it is safer as roads quieter over the weekend. No other works will be taking place on-site on Saturday and the site setup will be as below (Lorry in pit lane).
Please rest assured that traffic marshals and Morgan Sindall Managers will be on-site to manage traffic and safely receive the hoist.
Should you have any issues or concerns, please contact Joel, Morgan Sindall Site Manager, who will be on-site on Saturday on 07734 485 687.
Please do visit the 29 Marylebone Road website, for information on the team, updates on the construction work, planned community activities, upcoming opportunities, and newsletters, along with the opportunity for you to ask the project team questions.
This is a highly exciting project for Morgan Sindall and Westminster University and we are delighted to be working in your borough.